More Disney photos, and Edith sleeves

First up, Chase gave me the photos he took of my Tightrope Walker last weekend!

Had to go get pics with my alligator buddies before we left the hotel for the party. I love these guys.

And then over at Magic Kingdom…

I also got these added to my Tightrope Walker portfolio page along with parasol construction info.

Speaking of construction info, Amanda over at my FB asked about my giant Edith sleeves!

I’ve had this pattern in my stash for YEARS and was excited to finally get to use it for something — it’s Simplicity 4156, and this is pretty much all I used for the sleeves.

The nice thing about this pattern is that it the actual fitted sleeves go all the way up to the shoulder, and the big puffy sleeve is just built around it. This pattern was super easy to follow, too, I was very happy with it. I changed the shape of the pattern piece for the sleeve puff a LITTLE… but not a lot.

The pattern calls for you to also cut a large pieces of netting out, same as the large sleeve puff – then line the sleeve puff in that netting. I was really happy with how that worked – it gave some shape & body to the sleeve puff without having to stuff it.

If you don’t want to hunt down that pattern above, do a google image search for “Balloon sleeve pattern” — you’ll find some good ideas of what the puff sleeve pattern looks like laid out flat that you could copy — you could easily build it around an existing fitted sleeve.